How to Send Bulk SMS Indonesia With C++
Using Bulk SMS Indonesia API keys, you can now write your own c++ program to send sms from your PC to the mobile phone.
To compile your program, we suggest you to use Code Block or Visual Studio. You may use other compilers which you are familiar with.
To understand more about our Bulk SMS Indonesia API Key features, please visit our Developer API page.
All available features and configurations will be displayed at the Bulk SMS Indonesia Developer API page. Integrate our Send SMS feature into your C++ application and enjoy our SMS services.
Please click below to find out about our send SMS API in other programming languages.

You will need to change the following parameters in the script to use your Bulk SMS Indonesia account info. If you have not registered, please click HERE.
- un - username
- pwd - password
- dstno - destination number (complete with full country code)

int main ()
if ((int)result<=32)
std::cout << "Error!\nReturn value: " << (int)result << "\n";
return 0;
Other Contact Methods
For further enquiries, please contact us via the information below:E-mail |
Note to registered users: Please include your Username in the email.
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